Collaborative sense-making

What is collaborative sense-making?
I've come to that part of my appraisal where I need to show evidence of my collaborative sense-making this year. It does sound like more of education jargon but at the same time needs to be investigated in order to get it right. It is one of the 6 components of the appraisal cycle put out by the Education Council. Luckily I went to their workshop this year and this was explained as: How you collaborate with others who have different perspectives from yours eg experts, colleagues, mentors etc through conversation to look at different perspectives on a situation. From these conversations you share findings, learning and implications for changes in practice. An example given was to use another person eg have a conversation with the Te Reo teacher to give you feedback on your work with Standard 1 (Treaty)

Questions from ERO include:
What do we already know about this?
What do we need to find out?
How might we do this?

Catalysts that lead you to ask these questions are:
  • observations of, and reflections on, teaching in classrooms
  • regularly scheduled surveys of students, staff or parents and whanau
  • teacher reflection, either individually or as part of learning groups
  • regular focus groups with students
  • meetings between the principal and teachers, or between the principal and parents
  • parental complaints, and data from pastoral systems (e.g. restorative sessions).
Alternatively, the catalyst may have come from a more informal source, such as: 
  • conversations 'at the school gate'
  • hunches or gut feelings
  • anecdotal evidence
  • informal feedback from other schools.
ERO  Evaluation processes and evaluative reasoning


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