
In conversation with a beginning teacher recently, the question of pedagogy came up.
What is pedagogy?
The Oxford dictionary defines pedagogy as" The method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept."
A good way to check if you are including effective pedagogy in your lesson plans & units of work is to use these sentence starters.
I create a supportive learning environment by...........
I encourage reflective thought and action by.............
I enhance the relevance of new learning by..............
I facilitate shared learning by..................
I make connections to prior learning and experience by................
I provide sufficient opportunities to learn by.......................
I use opportunities for e-learning by ..................
I provide a culturally safe environment for Māori students, Pasifika students and students from other cultures by.....
I know, respect and value who students are and where they come from by.........
I build on what students bring to the learning by.....
I build a productive partnership with whanau by.....


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